Pommier Global Company

The North American Company "Pommier Global Company" started this Law Office at the end of 1999, putting the most qualified Lawyers to Direct it with Majority Shareholders and Partners of the Firm, Founded by Lincoln Villin, PhD and Michael Edevane, PhD.
These Businessmen began their vision as non-profit foundations, which later became several Companies affiliated to this one, being part of the same business group, the name they gave to this Company was in honor of the father of the now Sole Majority Shareholder and member of several Non-Profit Organizations or Non-Governmental Organizations Sergio Pommier, PhD, in Spanish ONG, in almost all of the United States of America and Europe, this principle is still fulfilled, to help the community for free as is done with the Innocent Project, which helps many prisoners who were unjustly condemned due to the poor functioning of the Justice System in several countries of the world.
Pommier & Associates - Attorneys at Law, belongs to this North American business group, upholding the fundamental values ​​of the Conservative and Patriotic Republicans of this great Nation.

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